Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 2

Hey everyone!! So we ended up leaving last night around 9:30 which put us outside of Charalotte a little after midnight. Those Embassy Suites rock!! We woke up this morning, quite grumpily might I add, to a 5:45 wake up call. START YOUR ENGINES!! We filled up on breakfast taking a few things with us cause who knew when or if we'd be eating again. And who knew you HAD to wear shoes at the Embassy Suite breakfast area? Then we headed out around 7:00ish. As of 2:30 eastern time we have crossed South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama's borders. Big shout out goes to Nana who sponored lunch at subway, gotta love those $5 footongs :)and there's a new consideration for college, Auburn University, it's freakin sweet, sorry mom. Plus I heard their basketball team is looking a little wimpy so I might help 'em out a little. I got to drive pretty much all of Georgia and halfway into sweet home Alabama, and I have been cursed with construction so Ricky Bobby had to take over and get us out of that catastrophe. Those popo are EVERYWHERE but I won't go into details about that. Oh and first sighting of a dead armadillo was in Alabama, poor guy. Top Song of today is Whatever It Is by Zac Brown Band I swear I think we've heard it at least 9 times today. On our way to Mississippi more to come...


  1. Sounds like y'all are having a great start. Be safe, have fun, and POST SOME PICS!!!

  2. Sounds awesome. We are very jeolous. Uncle Matt said he was sad that he missed your call. Have fun and enjoy. I bet you enjoyed the Subway sandwiche! I can't wait to hear about food choices you had! Be safe.

  3. Sarah you better not loose my fake id...or else you'll have bigger problems than the popo being everywhere ;) I love you guys talk to you tomorrow!

  4. Rachel you gave me the ID that says you're 22 I only wanted your real one but I appreciate the gesture :)
