Monday, June 15, 2009

Night #2

It's the night of day 2 and we're fried. The time change difference is pretty cool, at least going out here it will help us, but coming back it'll be...well a race against time. We got into Mississippi a little after 4:00 and saw the remains of Hurricane Katrina. It's amazing to see how much has been done and all the things that still need to be fixed. Stairs from front porches leading to nowhere, it's so hard to picture how water can do that much damage. The sand on the beach is SUPER white, it's crazy. And the water is...uncomfortably warm if you ask me. Quick survey: anyone gone swimming in the Gulf of Mexico before?? Well we can cross that off our list of things to do. Yup that's right we went swimming and we could walkout pretty far, it was bizzare. The water was so shallow and murky with debri still scattered everywhere. After quickly jumping in we drove down the strip and saw more houses or I guess more foundations than actual houses.
We got into Louisana after some "confusion" of which bridge would take us across. Then we saw the Superdome home of the New Orlean Saints. Next we headed to the French Quarter, which if you've never been it's basically a bunch of bars packed into 5 streets. But with all the signs and lights it looks really cool. Now the smell is something completely different. The smell is TERRIBLE. Picture everyone in one city not showering for about, oh i don't know, 2 months and that's the smell mixed with car exhaust and the wind blowing HOT air. After having a extremely bad piece of pizza we walked down to see the harbor. Dad and I are walking back from looking at some of the boats when this guy walking with another guy calls out to Dad (dad's wearing a N.C. State shirt). We see a few homeless people in the park, and dad says how things have gotten even worse after the Hurricane. So the shirtless guy asks Dad where we are from because he's from N.C. too. We tell him Raleigh and then he tells us he's a hobo, yeah like we couldn't tell by the no front tooth thing and a gold bottom tooth but thanks for the confirmation dude :) It was so funny! After our harrassment from the hobo we went to the New Orleans Zephyr's minor league baseball game. We watched them win 2 to 1 against Omaha AND we were on the BIG SCREEN twice!! It was awesome. Out of all 34 fans that actually attended the game it was an honor. I can't tell you how hard we worked to get up there, all i can say is there was a lot of dancing involved. haha well sweet dreams for now and more to come...


  1. I can't believe how much you guys have jammed into the hours since I left Apex ----it's awesome !! good job on this site---I love it !!!!!!!

  2. While in New Orleans....try a Muffaletta Sandwich. It is HUGE, so split it :)
    Central Grocery Co LLC -
    923 Decatur St, New Orleans - (504) 620-0174

  3. Hey Bear I love how you write I feel like Im in the back seat along for the ride
    Can wait for whats next
    have fun
    Love-Aunt Donna
