Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 5

Wow, what a short day comparatively. We finally made it to the west coast!! After yesterday we were pretty exhausted so we called it a night after quickly jumping into the pool and playing a quick round of beach volleyball. Of course I won, I mean if you ask the other party (Terrence aka daddy-o) he might debate something different but all in all we know who truly won, mwah! We crashed in some pretty comfy beds if I say so myself. Breakfast was quite tasty, omlets are always a personal favorite. Then we packed up and headed out. Our trip today took about 5 and half hours, YAY for short car rides. Then we made it here. The weather has changed big time, the difference between here and Texas is awesome as in you can actually step outside without dripping in sweat. Now we've just been chilling at the house and Amber and I just got back from a bike ride.
Song of Today: Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band (Zac Brown Band is holding strong with 2 top songs this week)
More to come...

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