Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 4

Spending the night in central Texas last night was interesting to say the least. But it’s not a road trip without some adventurous stories right? We got up and ate breakfast with some former military people who couldn’t help but complain about our government. Coolest thing ever: waffle maker in the shape of Texas, so I ate Texas this morning. This morning we entered into western Texas and hit the only point of interest for about 200 miles, Davey Crockett’s monument. It’s the only thing in town and when I say only thing I mean ONLY THING. The town is basically surrounding this little monument. Now we’ve just been driving and we still have a ways to go before El Paso. So far no armadillo sightings :( but we still have New Mexico. We hit the 80 mph road (80 mph optional, give or take a few 20, it’s just joke mom) and it’s pretty sweet. You can see for miles in either direction. Just plateaus, mountains, and valleys. Ain’t no mountain high, ain’t no valley low, ain’t no river wide enough baby to keep me from getting to you.
Total miles of day 3: 667.4
Total as of 12:05 eastern time: 1921.5 miles
More to come…

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